2007年12月1日 星期六
Ready to go!!
This is the most happy half year of my entire life until now.But I am really sure I will keep my new life like this happy,No mater what will be happened in the future.
Truly thanks for all of my friends I met in US,I do encouraged and inspired by all your interesting discussions.Wish every one's dream come true.
And I am ready to go.
2007年11月12日 星期一
Final count down for the end of my long vacation
I think I become more mature,because I already can face bad or good think in real life, and face myself.
Inspired by Naoto Fukasawa in Connecting 07' design Congress
In his speech,he showed several his products.His presentation style is quiet simple and clear.And every idea is just right and just simple.Even though some of them I already saw in the book or website, I still felt touched.
After his speech,my friend and I walked to him and try to free chat with him.My Friend has a little complain about that he feel his design work is just to create different shapes and forms.Naoto san smiled and said,yes,it is.And the reason is because even you have a good idea,you still need a good shape to present it.Be honestly,I think my original design philosopher is to solve problem,I do really need know what is my design thinking when I do design,I can't just draw a beautiful shape without any shape.But now I do really attracted by Naoto san's design,and how to create beauty shape is my most interesting thing.
My question for Naoto san is" do you think that Western and Eastern aesthetic are difference?
He say American life is so difference from others.He do encourage us come back to Asia to develop our own design.And he believe Asian will become the design center of the world for next few years.It does encourage me, and I do believe I will come back to Taiwan to do my own design.
2007年10月30日 星期二
I am queen- 3 men cook for me everyday.

Following is our cooking video.Check it out!!
2007年10月26日 星期五
Last week,I participants IDSA" connecting "congress.I would say it's the most wonderful conference I never had before.Not only the content of the conference, the whole event gave me a lot of effects,Until now. I still feel shocked to my soul.
First big shocked is my dear friend Li-Wei.He give me a very good lesson.
The story began in first day afternoon,we chose the one speech but the speaker didn't show up.After 20 minutes ,the speech host came to apologize,and she ask that maybe some one want to show his portfolio .Suddenly, Li Wei raised his hand and said :I want to show my work.I want to show my work...................
He almost jumped to the platform. Even around 100 listeners continually left.Finally,there were 7 persons including dragon and me,he still finish his presentation.
Looking through his eyes,I saw the resolution.
Looking through his eyes.I saw the courage.
I did pride of him.Let's give him a big clap.
and after he finish, all listeners left,we mounted to platform, pretend we are speaker.
I wish someday,I will be there.
2007年10月8日 星期一
Design philosophy in Tao Te Ching!!
Aug.3, that was a really beautiful night,at a backyard of German bar,My colleagues and I were having German sausages and beers with my colleagues, when I told about my religion is one kind of mix of Taoism and Buddhism,suddenly my boss Mr.D .tell me he know what is Tao,I feel really surprised .And he told me he had speech in China in Oct. 2004. and he use Tao Te Ching to describe his design philosophy as following:
Tao is defined as the "all-pervading eternal cosmic unity-the source from which all created things emanate"and Te signifies the" personal qualities of individual and all entities in the universe".
It means Integrity :including all the human needs,social context,and technical breakthroughs into a good cause or an innovation production.When done right,all elements seem to dance together.
道德經第十一章 虛中章
_Thirty spokes converge on a single hub,but it is in the space where there is nothing,that the usefulness of the cart lies. 三十輻共一轂,當其無,有車之用。
_Cut out doors and windows to make a room,but it is in the space where there is nothing,that the usefulness of the room lies.鑿戶牖以為室,當其無,有室之用
_Therefore,benefit may be derived from something,but it is in the nothing that we find usefulness.故有之以為利,無之以為用。
Designer need to find the essence of product,don't do over-designed.disingenuous,and meaningless.
I would say it's so cool to use Tao Te Ching to describe the design philosophy.
I think sometimes, we do need to turn back to see what we have.
Then we may have more confidence to show our self.
2007年10月5日 星期五
Two Fits